jueves, 9 de junio de 2011


As we can see, In this definition doesn’t appears the word “green”, as we used to see, however we can find “relation”, “living”, “surroundings” “web”, “community”, “network”, “systems”, “feedback”, “environment” and “biogeochemical cycles”
We will take a trip around these words in the last project of architects like Aranda/Lash, Andres Jaque, Philip Rahm, Urbanabolismo…


Relation can be understood as an interaction between the architecture (nonliving) and people and plants (living), living as a cycle, surroundings as energy, system as a bioclimatic question, environment as conditions to life, and biogeochemical cycles as an opportunity to generate the shape.

Gulf Stream use two focuses, one high cold source at one side and low warm source in the other side in order to create thermodynamic phenomena.

The relation between use and temperature lays out the rooms. Living spaces make different without the aid of walls. Rahm think the surrounding as a landscape where the house can merge into the trees. System, here, arises from body needs. Environment could be understood as conditions of different actions, and biogeochemical cycles as a round house.

Junya Ishigami started to work in the design of garden. His buildings are closer living than nonliving.

In his works he explores the relation with nature trying to make a living architecture,
where surrounding and building haven’t got barriers. It can be possible thanks to a system of transparent. The environment is like a garden with the biogeochemical cycles typical of greenhouse.

In Kanagawa he adds a minimum structure turn the space into a forest of columns and chairs.

This is a restoration of the fireman offices that uses the space between old and new walls to insert the furniture extending the width of wall and providing with more thermal inertia.

The project explores the relation between inside and outside, freeing up the living space with a programmatic surrounding. The project uses an order system like in a closet, and make comfortable environment inside this.

Villa Nurbs reconsiders the traditional courtyard house. In this case, air travels along the cavity bringing heat out.

The project is generated by a shape relation between atmosphere and living activities. And it is covered by a system of skins with different porosities and properties, which ensures the feedback of air and environment control, through biogeochemical cycles like radiation and ventilation.

The urban issue of this project is to build two spaces, one cold, one warm, at the ends of the site and stretching the buildings between them.

The relation between people and air circulation creates living ducts to human scale. Public Air plays with surroundings conditions connecting the system of corridors to the two opposite public spaces in order to choose the environment in any time of year only with the control of these biogeochemical cycles.

Eden project use the vault because is the shape that cover more volume with less surface.

It investigates the relation between atmospheres and living. Inside, there is an artificial surrounding. It is covered by a geodesic system that isolates the indoor environment. Biogeochemical cycles are used in order to control the life of any plant species.


Torre I-214 relates people to vegetation and their own surroundings. The community of housing sucks air from the forest in summer and from a cover greenhouse in winter with a system of gates. In response, the greywather irrigates the forest, making a feedback with the environment. Besides, the forest purifies water, closing the biogeochemical cycle.

With the last project, Urbanabolismo becomes aware of they could use the evapotranspiration to generate rain, and they calculated how many towers are needed to get a summer storm in Valencia.

In this project the light-industry workshops are associated to family houses, to Erasmus shared flats, to a mosque, to a gym...
This lets think the city like a parliament where diversity is possible and becomes a source of security and production.

We can understand relation as politic through architecture, surroundings as parliament, web as public spaces, community as man-actions, system as communication, feedback as coexistence, environment as a political situation, and biogeochemical cycles as resources.

“Scripted by purpose” book is invested in turning nature rules into logics for construction.

Aranda & Lasch investigates the relation between math and nature, determining parameters in order to get webs, communities and network, with growth systems. They use algorithmic to control the feedback between life and death of the cells, in order to generate a changeable environment. Biogeochemical cycles are simulated to understand the natural phenomena.

This is an architecture landscape in internet, which is thought like a stage to a community of users.

It investigates the relation between real and virtual landscapes. The project surrounds a tree as a starting point and it grows as a web to reach the entire community of user. It is a math network based on fractal systems, which generates an artificial environment.

Video by Penn State Public Broadcasting.

The advance of technology let us to control our environment, energy and resources. But, first, we have to resolve shared politics in order to know how use this tools, without danger to free.

As architects, we should remember the words of Andrés Jaque: "ecologizar no es verdear*"(14 de august de 2008), because we have to recover “ecology” word.


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Bergdoll, Barry, 2007. Nature design: from inspiration to innovation. Switzerland: Lars Müller Publishers.

Register, Richard, 2006. Ecocities. Canada: New Society Publishers.

Smith, Dianne, 2007. Urban ecology. Oxford: Routledge.

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planeta.Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Serra, Rafael. Arquitectura y clima. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Ito, Toyo, 2006. Arquitectura de límites difusos. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Pérez de lama , José, 2007, Espacio público y
flujos electrónicos.Sevilla: Neutra 15.

Koolhaas, Rem, 2007. Ciudad genérica. Barcelona:
Gustavo Gili.

Ferré, Albert,2005. Verb: Conditioning. Barcelona :Actar.

Ferré, Albert, 2006. Verb: Natures. Barcelona :Actar.

Díaz, Cristina Moreno & García ,Efrén Grinda,
2004.”Atmósfera. Material del jardinero digital”.
In: Circo, 2004, nº 121. Madrid: Mansilla y Tuñon.

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